- This event has passed.
Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
January 12, 2024
Meeting Minutes – January 12, 2024 at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Don Christ, Bill Dellicker, Harold Handwerk, Ron Jerdon, Bill Mantz, Nancy Zellner. Guests: Susan Christ, Trudie Dellicker, Lorraine Jerdon
- MINUTES: The December 8, 2023 minutes were approved. Motion H. Handwerk, 2nd Bachman
- TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance as of January 11, 2024 is $25,538.31
- WEBSITE: It was suggested that several changes be made to the website for people requesting a name to be added using the form on the website:
- A confirmation be sent to the requestor.
- Ask for the requestor’s email and phone number.
- Ask for name to be PRINTED.
- Add a statement that there is no charge to add a name, however a suggested donation is $125 to cover the actual engraving cost.
Lowhill Township’s new representative to the committee will be Buddy Wessner, Bill D will add his email to the member list for minutes and other correspondence.
Committee spokesperson should attend all four Township meetings to discuss the new design to add a granite capped stone wall to accommodate future name additions, and remind the Township’s of their commitment to a $2,000 annual maintenance fee.
Additional Panels: Don and Bill met with Bill Wenz on Saturday, January 7 to review the new design.
- Bill Wenz suggested the drawing of the granite caps state the edges should be eased to prevent chipping.
- Discussed whether the cap installation should be by the mason or the granite supplier, Wenz will call back with his recommendation.
- Wenz will provide a price for the granite caps
Names to be added: Both Womer Memorials, Inc. and Earl Wenz, Inc. were asked to provide a price per name for engraving new names that would hold for the next 3 years.
- Womer $150 per name and $200 per name for corrections requiring epoxy/granite powder fill and re-engraving.
- Wenz $125 per name and strongly suggested that corrections not be made with epoxy/granite powder because the repair would discolor after a few years.
- Motion to contract with Wenz to engrave new names at $125/name for 2024 – 2026 was made by S. Bachman, 2nd Keller
- Changes to miss-spelled names were discussed in light of the warning of discoloration. Our RULES FOR ENGRAVING adopted by the committee in 2019 states that the memorial committee is not responsible for correcting names engraved on the panels. After discussion a motion was made to re-engrave a mis-spelled name at a different location and leave the miss-spelled name as-is. Motion J. Bachman, 2nd Zellner
Memorial Day Ceremony 2024 –
- Bill D – recruit speakers to represent all five branches of the military, and the Korean War, Vietnam War, War on Terrorism and a current ROTC Cadet
- Steve and Ron – organize flag raising
- Justine – organize music with schools and possibly PSU color guard
- Dave – program design and printing
- Bill M – arrange for stage/trailer and sound system by Marty
- Eugene – advertising, Lorraine said Bobby Gunther Walsh is excited to market the Memorial Day Program on WAEB/790 the week before and day-of the program.
- Harold and Justine – recruit food trucks to begin serving at 9:00 AM. Justine said Ritter may send his son to record the event as he is committed to Macungie that day.
- The location of the stage and seating area was discussed and the committee approved setting the stage at the barn with seating in the shaded grassy area next to the memorial. The parking lot will be freed up for handicapped and general parking.
Slatington Legion and MC riders will perform a Memorial Day ceremony at the NWL Veterans Memorial site at 9:00 AM, Sunday May 26, 2024.
Harold Handwerk offered to sponsor a “Thank You” dinner for all committee members and spouses at “Randall’s On The Orchard.” The dinner will be at 7:00 on March 8th. Please be ready to confirm your attendance at the next committee meeting…thank you Harold for this gracious offer.
- NEXT MEETING: Friday, February 9, 2024 at Eight Oaks Distillery 6:00PM
- ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn by W. Mantz, 2nd S. Bachman