- This event has passed.
Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
February 9, 2024
FEBRUARY 9, 2024 (corrected 2/12)
Donald Christ, President called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery in New Tripoli, Pennsylvania. The following board members were in attendance. Donald Christ, Harold Handwerk, Steve Bachman, Nancy Zellner, David Keller, Bill Mantz, Eugene Handwerk, Ron Jerdon and Justine Bachman. Guest Susan Christ was also in attendance.
D. Christ began the meeting with the Pledge to Allegiance followed by a brief moment of silence.
D. Christ Opened the floor for nominations for the election of officers.
A motion was made by S. Bachman, and second by R. Jerdon to accept the
Officers by Acclamation. The motion carried.
2024 Officers area as follows:
President: Donald Christ
Vice President: Harold Handwerk
Treasurer: Eugene Handwerk
Secretary: Bill Dellicker
The minutes were presented. No edits or additions were presented. A motion was made by R. Jerdon and Seconded by D. Keller to accept the minutes. The motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was unavailable, no changes since last month. E, Handwerk requested a year end report for 2023 calendar year be available at the next meeting.
- In the absence of B. Dellicker, a written submission was presented and reviewed.
- B. Dellicker presented the proposal for the website maintenance
At a cost of $865. A motion was made by N. Zellner and Seconded by B. Mantz to pay this fee for our website maintenance. Motion carried.
Memorial Day Program
- B. Dellicker presented the information for the engraving of nineteen additional names on the various panels as appropriate will be conducted by Wenz memorial by early May.
- A Question was posed by R. Jerdon about obtaining the financial proposal from Wenz Memorial for the expansion project. As well as, presenting a rendering of the expansion at our Memorial Day event.
- D. Christ presented the local chapter of the Boy Scouts to R. Jerdon for organizing the Flag ceremony & possible landscaping assistance.
- J. Bachman stated she will follow up with the Northwestern School District music department about their participation in the Memorial Day ceremony and obtaining a Burglar to perform Taps.
- Special speakers were discussed by D. Keller. R. Jerdon agreed that the proposed two speakers would be sufficient for the annual event. D. Keller will speak to Kevin Dellicker and Nathan Peters to see if they would prepare and present speeches. D. Keller will also ask Nathan Peters about his National Guard Unit Flag bearers for the ceremony.
D. Keller asked for assistance with obtaining candidates to perform the Invocation, Benediction. E. Handwerk will reach out to a potential presenter, Michele Funk.
- B. Mantz will ask the Lynn Heidelberg Historical society about the use of the electricity and area in front of the barn as our stage for the Memorial Day ceremony.
- E. Handwerk reported that he has spoken with Jim Ritter. He will contact the New Tripoli Bank, Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber of Commerce to see if they wish to participate in sponsorship. Eugene will also contact the various news and radio stations for advertising the upcoming event.
- H. Handwerk reported that he has been contacting various food vendor trucks for the event. J. Bachman reported she has confirmations from Up in Smoke, J Rad’s Pizza truck and The Nesting Box Ice Cream Truck for their attendance at the event.
- The Ceremony Planning committee consists of D. Christ, D. Keller, B. Dellicker, and H. Handwerk who have proposed the relocation of the ceremony to the front of the historic barn. N. Zellner mentioned maintenance and landscaping prior to the ceremony.
D. Christ presented the roster of the Northwestern Lehigh Veterans Memorial Committee (NWLVM) members for the 2024 Term.
- Discussion about the recruitment of additional committee members from each township ensued. H. Handwerk recommended presenting an annual report of accomplishments and plans for the future year be presented at each township reorganization meeting. D. Keller remarked that each township should be tasked with proposing veteran candidates to serve on the NWLVM committee.
- N. Zellner and D. Keller will review all of the presently honored veterans to identify their township of residency and present those details at a future meeting.
Misc. S. Bachman presented a World War bronze flag grave marker to the board. For future display.
The next meeting was set for Friday, March 15t at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery in New Tripoli, PA. @ 6:00 PM.
A motion was made by S. Bachman & seconded by E. Handwerk to adjourn at 6:58 PM.