- This event has passed.
Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
March 15, 2024
Meeting Minutes – March 15, 2024 at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Don Christ, Bill Dellicker, Harold Handwerk, Ron Jerdon, David Keller, Bill Mantz, Nancy Zellner. Guests: Susan Christ, Trudie Dellicker, Lorraine Jerdon
Chairman Christ began the meeting at 6:05 PM with the Pledge to the Flag.
- MINUTES: The February 9, 2024 minutes were approved. Motion D. Keller, 2nd W. Mantz, motion passed.
- TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance as of January 11, 2024 is $24,709.53 – Motion to accept H. Handwerk, 2nd S. Bachman, motion passed.
- WEBSITE Several changes were made to the website for people requesting a name to be added:
- A confirmation be sent to the requestor.
- Ask for the requestor’s email and phone number.
- Ask for name to be PRINTED.
- Add a statement that there is no charge to add a name, however a suggested donation is $125 to cover the actual engraving cost.
The 2024 annual fee of $865 to continue website maintenance by Kessler Freedman, Inc. was paid
Kessler Freedman, Inc.
4902 Carlisle Pike #374
Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 - DISCUSSION:
Additional Panels: Bill Wenz submitted the following prices to furnish granite caps for the new perimeter design
32 pieces 4′-0+1′-6"+0′-11" with straight cuts with mitered ends 74,256.00
32 pieces 4′-0+1′-8"+0′-11" with straight cuts and mitered ends 79,632.00
I have great concerns that if you go with the pieces being one foot four inches wide there will be no overhang and the chances of everything working out to look nice, I think is slim. But if that is the way the committee decides to go then that cost would be 69,880.00.
Bill Ron and Chris Brown will determine which size would be the best and bring the decision back to the committee for approval. Bill D. will request the expected lead time to deliver the granite.
Names to be added: Nineteen names to be added to the memorial were submitted to Wenz for engraving by Memorial Day.
Harold discussed a request he received to add Gilbert Holben to the memorial by a relative. After checking records, Nancy found that he is on the list for engraving this spring.Memorial Day Ceremony 2024: Dave Keller reviewed the proposed program and status of all scheduled participants. Dave brought two sample programs for the committee to review. The consensus was to use the eight-page program and add a QR code for people to make donations and place two ads on the rear cover for 8 Oaks Farm Distillery and Randall’s on the Orchard Restaurant.
- Speakers are confirmed, Kevin Dellicker, Nate Peters, and Rev. Michelle G. Funk
- Steve and Ron – Flag raising
- Justine – Both Elementary schools will perform the National Anthem and a Musical selection. Ethan Beeco, HS Music Teacher will play TAPS
- Dave will proceed with the eight-page pamphlet with a QR code for donations and two ads on the back cover.
- Food trucks that have committed are: 1. Nesting Box Ice Cream, 2. Up In Smoke, 3. J Rads Pizza truck, 4. Grumpy’s BBQ.
- NEXT MEETING: Friday, 6PM, May 10, 2024 at Eight Oaks Distillery.
- ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn by W. Mantz, 2nd S. Bachman, 6:45pm.
Reminder- Slatington Legion MC riders will perform a Memorial Day ceremony at the NWL Veterans Memorial site at 9:00 AM, Sunday May 26, 2024.
The need for a clean up day at the memorial was discussed. Justine supplied two videos describing granite cleaning. Ron cautioned about pressure washing the bricks that might remove the white coating. All members will look into methods for proper cleaning and chemicals.
Military Veteran stone cleaning
Remember – Harold Handwerk’s “Thank You” dinner for all committee members and spouses at Randall’s Restaurant, 2016 Applewood Drive, Orefield, PA 18069.
The dinner will be at 3 PM on Saturday, March 23.
Thank you, Harold, for this gracious offer.