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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
August 2, 2024
Meeting Minutes – August 2, 2024 at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Don Christ, Bill Dellicker, Eugene Handwerk, Ron Jerdon, David Keller, Bill Mantz Nancy Zellner. Guests: Susan Christ, Trudie Dellicker, Loraine Jerdon
- MINUTES: The June 21, 2024 minutes were approved. Motion by R. Jerdon, D. Keller.
- TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance as of June 21, 2024 is $28,926.08 – There was no report since that date.
- Memorial Day advertisement was deleted; a picture and explanation of the new wall design was added.
- The annual Google Analytics report showing the activity on our website was emailed to members.
- The 2024 Memorial Day video from Jim Ritter was received at this meeting and will be posted on the HOME page of our website. YouTube address is https://youtu.be/j8O1-CLg76w
- Bill will have instructions put on website on how to use our email to make changes or updates to veterans’ information.
Design of additional panels at the memorial: Budget cost $160,000.
- Questioned if there may be any issues with the wall design concerning electric conduit, stone walkway between the pavers and new wall, drainage around the new wall perimeter. Architect Chris Brown will investigate and give us his opinion.
Fundraising for new wall: Chairman Christ reviewed the ideas discussed at a meeting of the Fundraising Sub-Committee on July 19, 2024. The project will be planned in Three Phases:
- Phase 1 – CONCEPT develop the design, create a narrative for mailers, flyers and newspapers, Develop cost estimate and timeline for construction.
- Phase 2 – FUNDRAISING develop strategy, and schedule for events coordinated with Night in the Country, 250th celebration of Independence Day normally scheduled on the third Saturday in August.
- Phase 3 – CONSTRUCTION contractor bids, finalize budget, construction schedule, plan for how names will be placed on the wall caps.
- Don asked for approval to accept the report from the sub-committee: Motion J Bachman, 2ND Mantz,
- A DRAFT FLYER was presented to the committee for comment. The cost and coverage for flyers in the NWPress is:
- 1 sided with process color cost $236
- 2 sided with 1 process color side cost is $286
- And the quantity needed for NW area is 2000
Don and Bill met with Paul Fiske and Cindy Lou Lapp who said they wanted to help raise funds for the new wall project. Some ideas discussed were:
- Radio broadcasts on WAEB for Veterans Day with Dan Holsman, two committee members only can attend due to studio space limits.
- More radio broadcasts: Casandra Coleman “America 250 PA” and Let’s Visit PA with Sandy Fenton, all “I HEART RADIO” Stations..
- Contacting groups to perform at our events Bruce Gilbert Family “Sing for America”, Fife and drum and bagpipes.
- Cindy Lou Lapp a realtor with the Jon Campbell Group will post our information on her extensive social media site to help with fundraising communications. Justine Bachman will be our point of contact with her.
- Paul gave us four afghan blankets for fundraising baskets.
Veterans Day Program:
- Justine has food trucks scheduled – Nesting Box, Iron Grill and JRads.
- Chris Noll volunteered to provide music entertainment once again.
- Date and time set for Monday November 11th beginning at 11AM.
- Bill will check availability for “Sing for America” to perform.
- Justine received commitments from committee members for NWLehigh’s Veterans Day interview program at the Middle S0chool.
REVISITED our intent to Write a “Thankyou Letter” for Marty Bennicoff to recognize his volunteering to provide the sound system for the three Memorial Day programs we’ve had.
- NEXT MEETING: September 20, 2024 at 6PM – 8 Oaks
- ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn by W. Mantz, 2nd S. Bachman