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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
June 2, 2021 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Meeting Minutes – June 2, 2021
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Richard Bleiler, Chris Brown, Donald Christ, Willard Dellicker, Harold Haas, Harold Handwerk, Ron Jerdon, David Keller, William Mantz, Andrew Talago, Nancy Zellner
Donald Christ called the meeting to order, 5:02PM at Ontelaunee Park and presided over discussions of the following topics:
- MINUTES: The February 5, 2021 Minutes were accepted as written. M – D Keller, 2nd – E Handwerk, Approved by all.
- 2. TREASURER’S REPORT: The bank statement of June 1, 2021 for the Memorial account at New Tripoli National Bank shows a current balance is $181,020.47. Motion to accept the report by J. Bachman, 2nd by W. Mantz, approved by all.
- WEBSITE: https://nwlehighvetsmemorial.org.
Nancy Zellner has been doing an incredible job verifying information about these names, dates of service, duplicates and verification of residence to ensure accurate information will be permanently engraved on the granite panels. To date we have 2425 names submitted.
The website will be updated to reflect the recent change to the dedication date from Veterans Day 2021 to Memorial Day 2022 as well as budget changes caused by increased material costs all resulting from the covid situation. Also, old information will be replaced with new pictures of construction progress.
The Construction Sub-committee met on April 6 and April 27 and May 3. Discussion centered around bid evaluations and selection of suppliers and contractors who responded with bids. Much of the discussion was about alternative design and materials for the paved area inside the memorial. The desire of the committee was for granite pavers throughout however, costs were extremely prohibitive. So, alternates were investigated by C Brown and R Jerdon along with the suppliers to come up with an attractive and durable design using both granite and brick pavers. After weeks of alternate design reviews between Jerdon, Brown and Suppliers, a final paver layout was accepted by the sub-committee.
During the meetings the committee evaluated and selected successful bidders and gave the go-ahead to contract for the flagpole (Eagle Flag & Supply), cast-in-place concrete (Engelman Construction), and electrical work (G-C Electric Company). These contractors and suppliers will allow completion of all the underground electric, drainage, concrete footers and slab, and the masonry fence pillars. Penn Mount Stone was selected as the supplier for the stone veneer on the fence and pentagon. Re-bar drawings were approved and the flagpole sleeve was ordered for the concrete placement. All of these bidders are considered to be very competent and also were the lowest cost bidders. Certificates of Insurance are on file for most of the contractors.
The committee met at the site to review the work that Andrew Talago performed for the Phase one work including elevation benchmark, herring bone drainage and modification to the underground drain lateral at the memorial entrance. Keystone Engineers was contacted to provide survey layout for the placement of the concrete footers. Concrete placement is scheduled to begin the later part of the week of June 6, 2021.
The committee has communicated with three suppliers who bid on the granite pavers and memorial panels. The consensus is that Earl Wenz Inc. is the most experienced erector and lowest cost supplier for the type of granite material required. The estimated delivery time for the memorial panels was stated to be 4 to 6 weeks after the approved layout for the engraving is received. N Zellner and W Dellicker with take the next two months to finalize the panel layouts using the names on file for veterans, quotations and war eras.
As we move forward with contractor work, Chairman Christ asked for consensus of the full committee to authorize the Construction sub-committee to release contracts for the granite, landscaping and other contractors who have bid on the work for the project.
Motion by S Bachman, 2nd W Mantz, approved by all.
As we move into the summer, we discussed fundraising status for reaching all businesses in the four Townships. There is still a lot of effort required to reach our funding goal. Heidelberg and Lowhill may need help to contact businesses. H Haas said he delivered 75 packets to businesses in Weisenberg, Bethlehem and Allentown. It was suggested that we plan an event for next Veterans Day and Night in the Country.
D Keller said the finance committee met on March 17, 2021 and are moving forward with the Dedication Booklet and program. Ad requests have been coming in slowly.
- Donald Christ purchased a bronze eagle for the entrance to the memorial. The eagle is in his garage for anyone to view after the meeting.
- Discussed the need for an update to be placed in the NWPress to communicate the new dedication date and budget along with a construction update.
- Ron suggested we ask the Press for “free” publicity in return for an ad in the memorial booklet.
- ADJOURN: Motion by W Mantz, 2nd H Haas, adjourned at 6:10PM.