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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
October 23, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Ontelaunee Park Veterans Memorial Committee
7911 Kings Highway New Tripoli, PA 18066
Meeting Minutes, October 23, 2018
Present:, Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Donald Christ, Willard Dellicker, Steve Feinour, Harold Haas, Eugene Handwerk, Harold Handwerk, William Mantz, Justin Smith, Nancy Zellner
Donald Christ presented the agenda and presided over discussion of the following topics:
- Election of officers: Motion to cast ballot by J Bachman, 2nd N Zellner
Chairman – Donald Christ, Vice Chair – Harold Handwerk, Secretary – Willard Dellicker, Treasurer – Eugene Handwerk.
- Approval of Minutes from Sept 20: Motion by J Bachman, 2nd N Zellner
- Reports from Townships:
Lynn –
- Harold Handwerk and Bill Dellicker met with Phillip Wentz of Earl Wentz, Inc. at the Ontelaunee Park site to discuss, types of stone, brick pavers, stone benches and other ideas that Wentz has designed into memorials they have built. No commitments were made to Wentz for any work, Wentz said they would be available to assist in answering questions as our design proceeds.
- Donald Christ and Bill Dellicker plan to visit Womer Memorials and Lehigh Valley Granite in the next two weeks to discuss our project with them.
- Discussed potential resources for the design such as LCCC Architectural Students, Chris Brown who designed the Park layout and American Institute of Architects (AIA) student design competition. No action or decisions were taken.
- Discussed and decided that the memorial shall include all Veteran residents of the four Townships who served either before, during or after residing in the NWLSD; whether or not they served in an actual combat theater, and including those who are buried in a cemetery located in the NWLSD. The committee agreed that when deciding if someone should be included, we should err on the side of inclusion rather than exclusion. Steve Bachman noted that there would be a never ending addition of names on the memorial, and accommodations for this fact should be considered in the design.
- The concept of a digital KIOSK to provide Veterans’ information was discussed. Open issue for future consideration with more information as to cost, benefits and availability. Another suggestion was to make archived information available on our website for people to research.
- Harold Handwerk contacted St Peter’s Lynnville Church, Living Stone Fellowship Church, Red Church, Frieden’s Church at Stony Run and the recent Berksey Train reunion attendees.
- Harold Haas suggested that a signature line should be provided on the Veteran’s information sheets to grant permission for the Committee to make the information public. Bill Dellicker will add a signature line to the information sheet.
- ADDRESS – Lynn Township Office address shall be used for all correspondence to the Memorial Committee including Veteran information, donations, etc.
Lynn Township
Veteran’s Memorial Committee
7911 Kings Highway
New Tripoli, PA 18066
- DATA BASE – Nancy Zellner said she has loaded about 700 names into our database from the lists provided by local church cemeteries and the Civil War list.
- WEBSITE – Website design was discussed, Justin Smith will check with the designer of the Township website for cost and their ability to make ours. Justin Smith will also look for an available domain for the website address. Discussed requesting that the School District, Townships and Churches put a link on their websites to the Memorial Committee website.
Justine Bachman said she would help to put our Committee news on Social Media
- 501-C-3 – The Committee is currently using the Lynnn Township non-profit status for donations. After discussion it was decided that we should look into filing for our own 501-C-3 status that would potentially relieve us from procurement regulations that government entities are required to follow for bidding on contracts. Tammy White has already contacted the IRS about this
process. Discussed the need for a Township Solicitor’s opinion to clarify any procurement
rules, law or code the committee is required to follow for purchasing services and materials.
Heidleburg –
- Eugene Handwerk wrote an article for the Heidleberg Church newsletter describing the Ontelaunee Park Memorial and requesting Veteran information. Carl Breininger will give Eugene the names from Weisenberg Church that was recently updated. Eugene Handwerk will contact the Northwestern Press to include an article about the Memorial after we have a website address to be included in the article.
- E Handwerk was nominated to be the second Township representative for Heidleberg.
Lowhill –
- Eugene Handwerk will contact Morganland Church for Veterans information.
Weisenberg –
- Harold Haas agreed to contact the Weisenberg Fire Co. and the following churches: Hope Community Church, Lighthouse Baptist Church, Salem Methodist Church.
Next meeting is January 8, 2019, 7:00 PM at the New Tripoli Fire Company.
Adjourn – 8:40PM – Motion by Steve Bachman, 2nd – Bill Mantz