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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
October 31, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Meeting Minutes – October 31, 2020
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Chris Brown, Donald Christ, Willard Dellicker, Eugene Handwerk, Harold Handwerk, David Keller, William Mantz, Andrew Talago, Nancy Zellner
Donald Christ called the meeting to order 9:13 AM at the New Tripoli Fire Co. and presided over discussions of the following topics:
- 1. MINUTES: The July 25, 2020 Minutes were accepted as written. M – Keller, 2nd E Handwerk, Approved by all
- 2. TREASURER’S REPORT: The bank statement of October 29, 2020 for the Memorial account at New Tripoli National Bank shows a current balance is $35,483.27.
- WEBSITE: https://nwlehighvetsmemorial.org.
Names of 1840 Veterans submitted for engraving along with their service information can be viewed on the memorial website. The donations tab was updated to show 54% of our budget goal has been reached. The program for the Groundbreaking Ceremony was posted on November 6th.
- QUOTATIONS for memorial panels:
The current list of historical, patriotic quotations to be engraved on the memorial panels is attached to these minutes. A quote from the first female Army four-star General Ann E. Duneoody, has been included.
Committee members are asked to read all the quotes so we can approve them as a full committee.
A motion was made to include quotes for historical context on the memorial panels after they have been approved by the full committee. Motion Justine Bachman, 2nd Steve Bachman, approved by all.
Discussion about recognizing donors lead to consensus that the memorial should not be cluttered with doner’s name on engravings and plaques inside the memorial. The committee thought that donors should be recognized with plaques or engravings but, they should be on granite outside the memorial fence. Benches inside may be engraved on the edge of the seat and be sold only to veterans’ organizations.
A motion for this policy was made by E. Handwerk, 2nd by S. Bachman, approved by all.
Justine Bachman will create an ad on social media to solicit names of NWL Alumnae in hopes of reaching the younger Veteran’s from the War on Terror.
Further discussion of reaching out for names led to a consensus to mail a two-part postcard to all residents that could be torn off and mailed back with veterans’ information. This was completed by Hot Frog who did our mailer last year. Total cost was $3170.59 for 5966 mailings. Postage cost $1,513.59 ($0.25ea.) plus printing cost $1,622.
- New Tripoli National Bank donated $60,000
- Eight Oaks will sell specially labeled bottle of 3-year, 100 proof bourbon from an original start-up barrel signed by local veterans. Proceeds will be donated to the memorial.
- Olde homestead Golf Course is sponsoring a “Miracle Tree” featuring light strands in a large tree at the clubhouse to be lit on November 28th. Proceeds of the Miracle Tree will be donated to the memorial.
After discussion about recognizing these large donors it was suggested we have a Groundbreaking Ceremony in the Park on Veterans Day. Donors will be invited with press coverage to recognize the start of our fundraising campaign and announce the “final call” for veterans’ names by January 1, 2021..
A motion was made to send a copy of our Donor Request Form for the Dedication Brochure to be included in the Northwestern Press as an insert for a cost of $145 in the November 12th edition.
Motion by Justine Bachman, 2nd W. Mantz, approved by all.
The relocation of the Daughters of America memorial and the BSA Eagle Scout project to place pavers and shrubbery has been completed and looks great in its new location.
- Chris Brown said he will be nearly completed with construction specifications towards the end of November so we can start thinking about how to solicit the trades required for construction and how to sequence the work. We can then solicit firm pricing for the granite benches so we can post a price to donate for a dedicated bench. Chris provided pictures and pricing for all the trees to be placed around the memorial, the firm pricing will allow us to take donations for trees now.
- Ron Jerdon, President, Jerdon Construction has been working with the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, the Lehigh Valley Military Affairs Council and the Director for Veterans Affairs for Lehigh County to publicize our Memorial Project and create interest in potential donors for financial support. He also arranged for the Lehigh County Executive, Phillips Armstrong, to present a “Proclamation of Support” at groundbreaking ceremony on November 11th, Veterans day.
- Andrew Talago, President, Pennsylvania Site Contractors, Inc. offered guidance and construction services for excavation and site work at the memorial.
- ADJOURN: Motion by Steve Bachman, 2nd William Mantz
- NEXT MEETING: To Be Announced