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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
December 8, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
Meeting Minutes – December 8, 2023 at Eight Oaks Farm Distillery
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Don Christ, Bill Dellicker, Eugene Handwerk, Harold Handwerk, Ron Jerdon, Bill Mantz. Guests: Susan Christ, Trudie Dellicker, Lorraine Jerdon
- MINUTES: The October 13, 2023 minutes were approved. Motion S. Bachman, 2nd E Handwerk
- TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance as of Sep 27, 2023 is $25,565.05 Plus $3,750 so far, from Veterans Day event.
- WEBSITE: Website has both of the Memorial Day videos, 2022 and 2023 by Jim Ritter posted.
- Additional Panels: Ron has worked up an estimate to construct the new stone wall replacing the steel fence on the entire perimeter for $77,000 not including the granite caps. Bill D will get the granite design info to Wenz and Womer for an estimated cost.
- Names to be added: currently have 18 names to add and three single-letter corrections to be made on three names in spring, 2024. Ron suggested that we ask engravers to provide per-name-pricing to engrave new names that they would hold for the next three years. This may simplify arrangements to get new names engraved each year. There are 215 available spaces throughout the memorial panels to add new names in 2025.
- NWL Middle School Veterans Day program: both the participating veterans and MS teachers were very pleased with the program and interaction with students. Teachers want to improve and expand the program in the future. Don suggested that we put bios or personal stories of veterans on the website.
- Veterans Day in the Park: Discussed food truck offerings and any changes that should be considered for next year. The great turnout pleased the food truck vendors and they want to return for future events. Discussed whether we should have future events on Veterans Day or the closest Saturday, the feeling was to have it on actual Veterans Day but, Don asked all to think about the day and bring back suggestions to the next meeting.
- Discussion about 2024 Memorial Day ceremony: Don led a discussion through some items submitted by Dave Keller for Memorial Day planning. What kind of speaker(s) would be best for the program? Consensus was a mix of ages, war experiences and branches of service would be most attractive. We should continue to include local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and school district musicians in the program. Don assigned some tasks as follows:
- Bill D – recruit speaker(s)
- Steve and Ron – organize flag raising
- Justine – organize music with schools and possibly PSU color guard
- Dave – program design and printing
- Bill M – arrange for stage/trailer and sound system by Marty
- Eugene – advertising, Lorraine contact BG Walsh @ WAEB
- Harold and Justine – recruit food trucks
- Slatington Legion and MC riders will perform a Memorial Day ceremony at the NWL Veterans Memorial site at 9:00 AM, Sunday May 26, 2024.
5. NEXT MEETING: Friday, January 12, 2024 at Eight Oaks Distillery
6. ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn by E. Handwerk, 2nd W. Mantz