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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
June 18, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting Minutes, June 18, 2019
Present: Donald Christ, Willard Dellicker, Eugene Handwerk, Harold Handwerk, Harold Haas, Rick Hughes, Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Nancy Zellner, Terry Rehrig (guest)
Donald Christ called the meeting to order 6:35PM at the Lynn Township Office and presided over discussion of the following topics: Highlighted names indicate action is required.
- MINUTES: The Mat 21, 2019 Minutes were amended and accepted.
- TREASURER’S REPORT: Eugene Handwerk furnished the bank statement ending May 31 for the Memorial account at New Tripoli National Bank. The current balance is $8,244.78, YTD interest earned is $16.79.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report by Rick Hughes, seconded by Harold Handwerk, approved by all.
- NAME CHANGE: As a result of the inclusion of all four Townships to be part of the Veteran’s Memorial, the committee approved our name change to Northwestern Lehigh Veterans Memorial Committee from Ontelaunee Park Veterans Memorial Committee.
Motion by Eugene Handwerk, seconded by Harold Haas, approved by all
- EMAIL: As a result of the name change, our email address was changed to: nwlehighvetsmemorial@gmail.com Anything sent to the old email opvetmc@gmail.com will be forwarded to the new email address. Justine Bachman completed this activity during the meeting.
- WEBSITE: Our website is up and available to view at https://nwlehighvetsmemorial.org. Visitors to the website can access Our Vision, a google map showing directions to Ontelaunee Park, contact information, committee members, a form to submit Veteran information to fill out and mail on-line or US Mail, Rules for engraving names on the panels, picture of the design concept and meeting minutes.
Future pages will show the construction schedule and progress, donation status vs. the goal for required funding and a page to make on-line donations using a credit card or where to send a check.
A document showing fields required for our donations page was sent to Wayne Kessler to be added to our website. The committee feels it is not necessary to provide names for the donation levels listed.
Nancy and Bill will contact Wayne Kessler to discuss how we can automatically transfer Veteran’s information for the memorial to the Excel spreadsheet Nancy is loading name into.
Nancy reported that she has approximately 1000 names loaded into our data base.
- LETTER FOR FOUR TOWNSHIP MAILING: The DRAFT letter was discussed; the following changes will be made:
- Change to the new email address.
- The Veteran’s information on our website will be available for browsing in the future.
- Remove the total estimated cost for the memorial, include an estimated cost of $100/name.
We need to make sure the donations page is ready to use for credit card donations before mailing the letter. Bill Dellicker will coordinate this with Wayne Kessler. A copy of the revised letter is included below.
Motion approve with changes by Rick Hughes, second by Harold Haas, approved by all.
- DONATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARD: Donald Christ is searching for a source to supply a card that can be mailed to donors that would acknowledge their donation and serve as a receipt. Tammy White said she would fill in the donation amount and mail the cards to donors. The committee authorized Donald to use his discretion for the card design and spend up to $500 to purchase the cards.
Motion by Rick Hughes, second by Harold Haas, approved by all.
- MASS MAILING OPTIONS: Discussed the most economical way to mail information to our Township’s residents. Steve Bachman suggested using “Frog” a firm used by Heidelberg Twp. Frog sends to all residents in a ZIP Code that is less expensive than a mass mailing. Donald Christ will look into this and coordinate with the four Townships.
- EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES: Harold Handwerk, Harold Haas, Donald Christ represented the Memorial Committee at the Werisenberg Historical Society’s Car Bash on June 16. They were approached by Dave Hunsicker with the Brothers and Sisters of the Revolutionary War and asked to be notified about the memorial dedication. A discussion ensued about selling 50/50 tickets at these functions. Donald will look into license and other regulations that govern such games of chance for fundraising.
- ADJOURN: Motion at 8:00 PM by Harold Haas, second by Eugene Handwerk.
- NEXT MEETING will be determined by President Christ who will notify the committee
- Corrected four Township information letter (#6 above)