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Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
February 18, 2020 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting Minutes – February 18, 2020
Present: Justine Bachman, Richard Bleiler, Donald Christ, Willard Dellicker, Eugene Handwerk, Harold Handwerk, William Mantz, Nancy Zellner
Donald Christ called the meeting to order 7:04 PM at the Lynn Township Office and presided over discussions of the following topics:
- 1. MINUTES: The January 22, 2020 Minutes were accepted as written.
- 2. TREASURER’S REPORT: The bank statement ending 2/18/20 for the Memorial account at New Tripoli National Bank shows a current balance is $21,628.94.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report by Harold Handwerk, seconded by Bill Mantz, approved by all.
- WEBSITE: https://nwlehighvetsmemorial.org.
The committee unanimously suggested that all of our Townships should put a link to the NWLVM website on the Township websites. This should be done through each of the Township representatives. The NWL School District will post our website under the COMMUNITY tab on the district’s website home page.
- January 27 – Don Christ and Bill Dellicker met with Phillip Wenz of Wenz Memorials, Breinigsville. Phillip asked if we could meet at the Korea Vietnam Memorial on the LCCC campus. Wenz constructed the memorial and he wanted to show us some good ideas and some things we should avoid in the use of granite memorials for panels, walkways and benches. His ideas and cautions are recorded and will be considered in our design.
- February 13 – Donald Christ met with David Hunsicker President and CEO of the New Tripoli Bank to discuss the progress of the memorial.
- February 14 – Don Christ and W Dellicker met with Ross Post of Schochary Ridge Nursery to talk about types of trees and shrubs for the memorial grounds. Ross suggested the cost to furnish and plant a tree would be about $300 each not including a plaque to designate the donor.
- February 15 – D. Christ and W. Dellicker phone call with Chris Brown to discuss the design changes that were suggested at our January 22nd meeting and print a large picture of the latest design for the Lynn Township Banquet on February 21st where the memorial progress will be presented.
- PUBLIC RELATIONS: The Northwestern Press ran a front-page article in their February 6th edition to announce the contract that the committee approved with Brown Design Corp.
- DISCUSSION: DAR Monument – The committee discussed how to recognize the WW-II monument with names of Ebeneezer veterans that was erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution in the SE corner of the park. All of the names on the DAR monument will be included on the NWL Veterans Memorial panels. The actual physical monument will not be incorporated in the design of the NWL memorial but, there will be a recognition of the DAR and their historical significance incorporated on the granite panels. This may include an engraved DAR symbol or plaque and their local historical contribution. A motion was made to approve this approach by Bill Mantz, seconded by Eugene Handwerk, approved by all.
- SUB-COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: The following sub committees were proposed by President Christ, after conferring with individual members. These sub-committees will continue the work of the Memorial Committee under a more organized structure so that each member can participate in the major areas of the memorial plan going forward.
- Construction Committee: Meet as required, on site, with the Architect, Contractors and Nursery. Christ, H. Handwerk, W. Dellicker, W. Mantz, R Hughes, R. Bleiler.
- Finance Committee: Develop fundraising strategies and approach potential donors for contributions. Christ, H. Handwerk, W. Dellicker, E. Handwerk, H. Haas, N. Zellner, T. Rehrig, S. Eckhard.
- Memorial Dedication and Booklet Committee: Develop a dedication program and a booklet to commemorate the dedication and donors. Keller, J. Bachman, S. Bachman.
- DONOR RECOGNITION: D. Christ recommended a structure to recognize levels of donations for use in the dedication booklet and on a “Patrons Panel” if one is included in the memorial design.
Platinum $5000 or above
Gold $2500 to $4999
Silver $1000 to $2499
Bronze $ 500 to $ 999
Copper $100 to $499
Motion to approve by H. Handwerk, second by W. Mantz, approved by all.
- Justine discussed the Heidleberg Newsletter for May, an article will be submitted for that mailing to talk about progress being made.
- Justine has submitted Memorial information for the Community Bulletin Boards posted on TV by RCN, Blue Ridge Cable and Service Electric.
- Christ got a list of businesses from Lowhill and Weisenberg to begin requesting donations.
- Christ and W. Dellicker were asked to participate in a radio broadcast on 1100AM SUNNY, as part of Glenn Eckhard’s “Making a Difference” radio show. They will highlight the development of our Memorial. February 19.
- NEXT STEPS (from the January meeting):
- A flyer will be created by Bill Dellicker and Justine Bachman to be included in the NWPress on Memorial Day to tell the community about the progress being made for the memorial and to announce the July 4th deadline for submitting Veteran’s names. Motion was made with a cost not to exceed $250 by Nancy Zellner, seconded by Justine Bachman
- Develop a fundraising plan that includes solicitations from local businesses, banks, organizations, Steve Bachman will ask the Eight Oaks Distillery if they would consider sponsoring a fundraising night for the memorial.
- ADJOURN: Motion by H. Handwerk, seconded by E. Handwerk at 8:05 PM.
- NEXT MEETING: March 24, 2020 – 7:00PM at the Lynnville Township office