- This event has passed.
Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting
April 18, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Northwestern Lehigh Veterans Memorial Committee
7911 Kings Highway New Tripoli, PA 18066
Meeting Minutes – April 18, 2022 REVISED, see #9
Present: Justine Bachman, Steve Bachman, Richard Bleiler, Chris Brown, Donald Christ, Willard Dellicker, Harold Haas, Eugene Handwerk, Harold Handwerk, Ron Jerdon, David Keller, William Mantz, Nancy Zellner
Donald Christ called the meeting to order 6:00 PM at the Lynn Township Office.
- 1. MINUTES: The March 19, 2022 Minutes were accepted as written.
- 2. TREASURER’S REPORT: no update from last meeting
- WEBSITE: https://nwlehighvetsmemorial.org.
- New information includes Dedication Details, Name the Eagle results, Invitation to 8 Oaks event on June 1st.
- Nancy has received ten new names to be engraved in the future which were submitted after engraving started. She will monitor the email and keep track of engraving requests for future engraving at a time to be determined by the committee.
- Copper coin sample was presented, 250 coins are on order to be delivered early May. Price $25, motion by J. Bachman, 2nd Handwerk
- Cost Forecast shows $85,540 is still needed to cover the project costs.
- Audio Tour recording will be completed last week in April
- Website has been updated
- Kiosk is complete and ready to mount. Nick Baer fabricated and APS powder coated for no cost.
- Time capsule contents were discussed, the contents are listed in the Souvenir Booklet
- The eagle is attached to the mounting plate and ready to install.
- Advertising for the Dedication Ceremony:
- Bill D will ask the school to post on their marquis
- Don will ask Townships to advertise on mailings and websites.
- Don will ask Anna and NWPress for coverage
- Justine will ask Blue Ridge Cable to advertise
- David will ask NT Bank to advertise.
- Plan B (rainy day) pavilions will be used for program.
- Rehearsal is needed for all participants in the dedication ceremony
- Bill D will contact the school music teachers to coordinate sound requirements and student assembly areas. Number of a cappella singers.
- Bill D will rehearse flag raising with Boy Scouts
- Wreath laying will be done by Mantz, Haas, Bachman and E. Handwerk.
- All speakers shall give their printed remarks to Dave to be collated in a binder on the podium
- Don will coordinate sound system with M. Bennecoff
- Hot dogs will be purchased from Weis Markets by Do. Ice Cream and Water still needs a supplier.
- Don is working with Andy George at Landscaping Materials Plus to reseed grass
- David will order and deliver wreath for Memorial Day; Committee Vets will place it.
- Motorcycles will park in the large pavilion, no arrangements for rainy MC parking
- Wenz will provide black granite panels etched with donors and committee, Bill D will confirm delivery and set up plastic plaques from Wagner trophies as a backup.
- Final Grade needs reseeding ASAP, Don is coordinating with Andy George and Park maintenance.
- Wenz will complete granite installation with caulking next week.
- Granite caps for pentagon will be installed Monday 4/25.
- Eagle and Kiosk will be installed after the granite cap is engraved with FREEDOM.
- Question about when security cameras will be installed. Twp has not yet decided on scope or supplier. This needs to be done asap to deter vandalism.
- Ron suggested a concrete stain be applied to the concrete at the bollard to blend in with the granite pavers, Chris Brown agreed.
- Discussed punch list items:
- A few fence brackets need remounting, crooked and unsightly.
- White bricks should to be washed to remove red mud from cutting dust.
- More ¾ inch river rock around the fence should be added to the level of the aluminum curbing.
- Mulch should be re done to freshen it up. This will become an annual maintenance requirement.
- Dave Keller brought a proof copy of the 116-page Souvenir Booklet and Dedication Program. BEAUTIFUL job!
- 300 Booklets will be ordered from the printer, approximately 100 will be given to donors of $250 or more.
- 750 Dedication Program pamphlets will be ordered from the printer (approximate cost $225)
- Please look over the list of booklet recipients and tell Dave if you can hand deliver the booklet instead of mailing at a cost of $50.
- Dave composed a personalized letter to booklet recipients thanking them for their donation.
- All speakers for the dedication program were asked to provide a text of their presentation to be included in a Scripted Folder for the speaker’s podium.
- We were unsuccessful finding a unit for the gun salute, Darren Dengler will play TAPS.
- Don and Bill will draw two maps to describe locations of all the functions for the dedication program; one for sunshine and one for rain.
- Lynn Township ordered a 4×6 U.S. flag and a MIA-POW flag for the memorial.
- Don Christ will apply for a grant from the Follweiler Foundation.
- Security cameras are still not scoped out for the park and the memorial site.
- The Township Supervisors will be asked if additional insurance coverage is needed for the memorial site for liability or vandalism.
- ADJOURN: meeting adjourned at 7:30PM S. Bachman, 2nd – H. Haas
- NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, May 4th, 5:30PM, Ontelaunee Park pavilion.